LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOLS BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY Protection: Students DO feel safe on campus. Allyship: DOES include Jews in its DEI initiatives. Identity: Students DO feel safe to express their Jewish identity and their A support for Israel. Policy: NO Israeli Apartheid Week. No BDS resolutions presented. Brandeis HAS adopted IHRA. OBERLIN COLLEGE Protection: The administration ignored multiple requests to complete the survey. Allyship: Does not include Jews in its DEI initiatives. B Identity: Students DO feel safe in expressing their Jewish identities but DO NOT feel comfortable expressing their support for Israel and feel unwelcome in various spaces for their Zionist beliefs. Policy: NO Israeli Apartheid Week. BDS resolutions were presented but did not pass. AMHERST COLLEGE Protection: Students DO NOT feel that the administration does enough to ensure the safety of its Jewish population. C Allyship: Does not include Jews in its DEI initiatives. Identity: Students DO feel safe in expressing their Jewish identity but DO NOT feel comfortable expressing their support for Israel and often feel they are held responsi- ble for Israelʼs actions. Policy: No BDS resolutions presented. WILLIAMS COLLEGE Protection: Students DO NOT feel that the administration takes the safety of their Jewish students seriously. D Allyship: Does not include Jews in its DEI initiatives. Identity: Students reported a hostile environment aimed at Jews masked as anti-Zionism and they DO NOT feel comfortable expressing their support for Israel. Policy: NO Israeli Apartheid Week. A BDS resolution was presented and passed. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Protection: The administration ignored multiple requests to complete the survey. F Allyship: Does not include Jews in its DEI initiatives. Identity: Inconclusive as no students from the school participated in the survey. Policy: BDS resolutions were presented and passed. 5