INTRODUCTION At a time when antisemites are emboldened to spew anti-Jewish bigotry and openly engage in protests resulting in antisemitic violence, this report is an essential resource for exposing rising antisemitism at American universities and can help Jewish parents make appropriate decisions regarding their childrenʼs education. Jewish families must now take a stand and decide if they are willing to have their hard-earned money, paid for tuition fees, be used to fund antisemitism. StopAntisemitism sent surveys to the administrations, amassed research, and collected hundreds of first-person narratives by students at these schools. This new report offers a “report card” grading system based on pre-defined baseline measures that ranks higher education institutions on how well or poorly they are responding to, and preventing, antisemitism on their respective campuses. BASELINE MEASURES When analyzing and grading each school, StopAntisemitism adhered to various baseline measures under four categories: Protection: How does the school report antisemitic incidents? Is there a willingness to work with Jewish advocacy groups? What are the reactions from college administrators after an incident occurs? Allyship: Does the school speak out against antisemitism? Are Jews included in the schoolʼs DEI policies? Identity: Do Jewish students feel safe at their school? Do Jewish students feel the need to hide their identity on campus? Do Jewish students feel like they are being held responsible for Israelʼs actions? Policy: Has the school adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Allianceʼs (IHRA) definition of antisemitism? Is there a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization on campus? Have BDS resolutions been adopted? Unless specified, all schools have an SJP (or similar) chapter, allow an Israeli Apartheid Week, and have not adopted IHRA. Additionally, only the school administrations which acknowledged the survey are notated. *Schools marked with an asterisk have had multiple antisemitic incidents in recent years. 3