BASELINE MEASURES When analyzing and grading each school, StopAntisemitism adhered to baseline measures under four categories, utilizing data available at the time of publication: Protection: How do the schools report antisemitic incidents? Is there willingness to work with Jewish advocacy groups? How do college administrators react after an incident occurs? Allyship: Does the college speak out against antisemitism? Are Jews included in the schoolʼs DEI policies? Is there a DEI-sanctioned Jewish affinity group on campus? Identity: Do Jewish students feel safe at their school? Do Jewish students feel the need to hide their identity on campus? Do Jewish students feel that they are being held responsible for Israelʼs actions? Policy: Is there a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization on campus? Have BDS resolutions been adopted? Notes: None of the schools have adopted International Holocaust Remembrance Allianceʼs (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. Additionally, only the administrations which acknowledged the survey are noted. *Schools marked with an asterisk have had multiple antisemitic incidents in recent years. 5