NEGATIVE FINDINGS The following are notable antisemitic incidents that have recently occurred on this year’s list of college campuses prior to October 7: SCHOOL: Rice University Incident: 9/2023 – Student group “Rice Pride” has cut all ties with Hillel, stating their relationship causes the exclusion of Palestinian and Arab students due to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Rice University administrators have yet to make a statement denouncing this exclusionary tactic of Jewish students. SCHOOL: Florida Atlantic University Incident: 02/2023 — Yeʼs antisemitic comments sparked both backlash and expressions of support, the latter of which led to the “Ye is right'' slogan trending across social media and being referenced in subsequent antisemitic incidents. White nationalists Dalton Clodfelter and Tyler Russell held “Ye is right, change my mind” events on college campuses, including at FAU, to publicly espouse their antisemitism and provoke college students with Yeʼs antisemitic sentiments. Student activists and Hillel members showed up to counter-protest, and the university issued a statement condemning the incident. 17